Of late countless research studies have been conducted into happiness. It seems that people the world over are seeking happiness.
Every happy person has close, supportive relationships - without exception. You can build those relationships by being grateful, by helping other people, by taking care of them and they are going to take care of you.
Essentially, there are three pillars of happiness: pleasure, engagement, and meaning. I have compiled a list of happiness drivers based on the research. The brackets denote the number of research articles the driver is mentioned in.
Every happy person has close, supportive relationships - without exception. You can build those relationships by being grateful, by helping other people, by taking care of them and they are going to take care of you.
Essentially, there are three pillars of happiness: pleasure, engagement, and meaning. I have compiled a list of happiness drivers based on the research. The brackets denote the number of research articles the driver is mentioned in.
- Good close relationships and socialising with happy people (including marriage) (16)
- Good healthy bodies and diet (9)
- Spiritual practice or belief entailing support, purpose and acceptance (8)
- Random acts of kindness, doing good, generosity, giving, community volunteering (7)
- Active leisure pursuits for both mind and body (as opposed to passive indulgences such as watching TV) (6)
- Enough money (6)
- Realistic and clear goals (6)
- Optimism and pretend happiness, smiling and laughing, counting blessings, positive outlook, resilience and bouncing back from problems, set aside stress (5)
- Living in the now and enjoying the present, mindfulness, accept and appreciate pain, acknowledge sadness (4)
- Focus on controlling your own actions and activities (4)
- Sound sleep and rest (3)
- Rewarding, meaningful, and challenging work, mastery of skills (3)
- Buy experiences, not possessions (along with the anticipation of the experience) (3)
- Sex (2)
- Playing with children (2)
- Self-esteem (2)
- Learning and growing, education (2)
- Frequent small pleasures (including renting something you enjoy)
- Don't chase happiness
- Emphasise strengths
- Read newspapers
- Meals out
- Play sports
- Outgoing personality
- Balance sensory pleasures and achievement activities
- Forgive oneself and others
- Gratitude, loving kindness
- Meditation, prayer, surrender
- Byproduct of other activities
- Sunshine
- Connect with supervisors