Monday, July 26, 2010

What Makes Me Happy?

I have been compiling a list of stuff that makes me happy and unhappy over the past six years from 2006 to 2011. It is good to refer to this list to know exactly what makes me feel good and do more of the stuff that feels good.

Sources of happiness (number of occurrences denoted in brackets):
  • Out with friends (42)
  • Activities - water, food, dance (17)
  • Holidays - visiting sites (16)
  • Game, dates (10)
  • Contentment and self belief (8)
  • Exercise - cycling (5)
  • Family (5)
Sources of unahppiness:
  • Job rejection (14)
  • Pick up - not going well, rejections (8)
  • Work - job, university (8)
  • Feeling down, low state, introspection, unsure (7)
  • Computer, mechanical problems (5)
Update (13/3/2011): I have come to the conclusion that my dream life (and how it looks every day) is not so extravagant. It is pretty simple. Do more of what makes me happy and less of what makes me unhappy. This list is different for different people. But for me, is a mixture of the above and living it every day of my life.

Update (10/8/2012): Work (13%, 2 happy days - 13.5 sad days), investments (44%, 3.5 - 4.5), and business (57%, 4 - 3) do not make me happy, especially when compared to my total happiness score of (74%, 102 - 36) over the last four years.

Update (9/6/2013): I come to realise that the high life, good food and accommodation does not make me happy. I want a companion, but this has not necessarily made me happy in the past and in fact, the desire has made me unhappy.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

World Cup

The world cup has come and gone. The greatest sporting spectacle on this planet.

I vividly remember the moments of past world cups. The captivation it brings to nations, the euphoria and the heartbreak. A rollercoaster of sheer emotion.

This world cup has been no different. After the final whistle as Spain triumphed 1-0 over the Netherlands, I was riding a wave of epiphanical proportions. It was beautiful. Spiritual. I felt that anything is possible.

The whole day was the world cup. From the celebration in Spain to the replays that flash across my mind. The culmination of festivities to Paul the oracle octopus. It was beautiful.