Everyone is dying. It is happening right now. Each day you live takes you one step closer to death.
Dying is not necessarily a bad thing. Death is not to be feared. Illness is not a failure.
Death education does not receive much coverage at present. However, it is a more important discussion than euthanasia, which is centred around fear. A death counsellor said that she had never seen a person die badly or in pain after counselling them.
The dying express feelings, such as fear or perhaps a desire to extend their life further. It is important to give the dying dignity and advise them that they can still make choices. Find out what the dying person wants to do. Do not judge them but love them. Denial by friends and family can create terror and loneliness. Giving the dying permission to die is more loving.
Generally people die the same way unless death comes suddenly. Initially, there is a loss of energy (setting sun). Then the person does not need food or water (tide goes out), and the heat goes out of the body and feet, and the body dries out (dry desert). Finally there is the loss of breath, where the fear is greatest and dying is imminent.
Death is better when the dying stay in control of the process and accept. Raw honesty from medical professionals is preferable. The dying need to be empowered, not in denial.
Have conversations about dying before you die. These conversations can be fun, not morbid. Some steps to take are a detailed will, funeral plan, or writing a letter for your children and family. Ask how you want to be remembered.
Life after death is a mystery. Some people have experienced near death experiences. Among these experiences are witnessing your body on the operating theatre, a white light, and flashes of past memories that cannot be explained by modern science. These occurrences show that no-one really knows what lies beyond this life.
The important lesson for the living is to live your life to the fullest. Don't have a single moment of regret. Live well because of death.
There's no time. The time is now. Around 20% of people in the developed world die before 65. You have to do it now. Travel the world if you so desire. You don't know if you have tomorrow.
Live as if there is no tomorrow. Wrote a eulogy with a list. Do not put it off. Live with integrity, life with compassion and kindness. Work well in the pond you are in. Don't care about how people behave or act.
The regrets of the dying are relevant. People have things they didn't get to say or things they didn't get to do.
Dying is not necessarily a bad thing. Death is not to be feared. Illness is not a failure.
Death education does not receive much coverage at present. However, it is a more important discussion than euthanasia, which is centred around fear. A death counsellor said that she had never seen a person die badly or in pain after counselling them.
The dying express feelings, such as fear or perhaps a desire to extend their life further. It is important to give the dying dignity and advise them that they can still make choices. Find out what the dying person wants to do. Do not judge them but love them. Denial by friends and family can create terror and loneliness. Giving the dying permission to die is more loving.
Generally people die the same way unless death comes suddenly. Initially, there is a loss of energy (setting sun). Then the person does not need food or water (tide goes out), and the heat goes out of the body and feet, and the body dries out (dry desert). Finally there is the loss of breath, where the fear is greatest and dying is imminent.
Death is better when the dying stay in control of the process and accept. Raw honesty from medical professionals is preferable. The dying need to be empowered, not in denial.
Have conversations about dying before you die. These conversations can be fun, not morbid. Some steps to take are a detailed will, funeral plan, or writing a letter for your children and family. Ask how you want to be remembered.
Life after death is a mystery. Some people have experienced near death experiences. Among these experiences are witnessing your body on the operating theatre, a white light, and flashes of past memories that cannot be explained by modern science. These occurrences show that no-one really knows what lies beyond this life.
The important lesson for the living is to live your life to the fullest. Don't have a single moment of regret. Live well because of death.
There's no time. The time is now. Around 20% of people in the developed world die before 65. You have to do it now. Travel the world if you so desire. You don't know if you have tomorrow.
Live as if there is no tomorrow. Wrote a eulogy with a list. Do not put it off. Live with integrity, life with compassion and kindness. Work well in the pond you are in. Don't care about how people behave or act.
The regrets of the dying are relevant. People have things they didn't get to say or things they didn't get to do.