Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Analysis of Feelings

I have a scientific interest in feelings. Though not limited to simple psychology. I am interested in deconstructing feelings into simple states. I observe people and the amount of time they spend in each state. Whether they control the state they are in (e.g. through meditation) or whether the state is influenced by external factors (e.g. sudden reactive impulses).

A feeling can be described as a conscious subjective experience of emotion. Each perception or emotion a being experiences is a result of many states interacting, many of them subconsciously.

Individuals have differing perceptions in response to each individual stimuli. Be it analytically or emotionally based. The mind constantly shapes these states accordingly to preexisting nature, experience, reaction, or external factors (such as cirumstance) giving rise to certain disposition or behaviour.

Circumstance may alter an individual's state and resulting behaviour. An office job, for example, may confine an individual to a structured set of behaviours. A motor vehicle fine or a win in a game of blackjack, may affect an individual's emotion in differing manners. The effect of the circumstance and its duration varies from person to person and depends on an individual's capacity to deal with circumstance. Individuals may, for example, learn from the circumstance and repeatedly react in a way to alter the state they are in.

Feelings can, to a large extent, be controlled. Individuals are free to (or have the capacity to) control how they view outcomes. When people start to understand this principle, they start to control their reality.

Nervous Excitement

Why should I get nervous?
It's not like the outcome matters to me.
Even if it did, being nervous would not help.
What matters is doing everything I can to make my dreams, my goals, a reality.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Anatomy of Happiness

Sometimes I feel happiness over nothing in particular. These moments of sheer happiness occur regardless of the situation I im in. I usually feel like this before I go to sleep, but today I felt it when I woke up all the way to work. I thought it was useful to jot down some thoughts I had on how I was able to generate this feeling of contentment, this happiness. After all, happiness is a wonderful feeling.

Think of the positive.
Let positive thoughts build upon positive thoughts.
Smile and tap into positive states.
Enjoy each breath.
Feel appreciation.
Give appreciation.
Be content.
Feel better and better.
Overwhelm mind, body, and soul with joy.