Sunday, March 12, 2017


We are all swayed.

I am swayed by others, even if they are people I admire. I may see their photos on Instagram and feel I that I should emulate them.

I am swayed by my family that means well.

I am swayed by my friends, people I talk to, the content that I consume.

All of this is deceptive.

I must always pause and ask myself: what do I truly want right now.

I need to live my life and not have my life dictated by others.

I must not fall into the trap of reading news which does not add any value to my life.

It is easy to be swayed by others if I don't have a purpose with my life.

It is easy to fall in line with someone else's values or norms.

As we get older, we learn less. Our opinions harden.

This too is deceptive.

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