- I learnt how quickly time flies. I overhead two guys saying that they were turning 50 and it wasn't long ago that they were 21-30
- I learnt about the importance of safety practices
- I saw my manager swearing at the computer and I don't want to be like that
- I saw how work is not living and how people struggle to get by on a high wage. One manager lives paycheck to paycheck and says it is difficult just paying bills. Another manager says going to his home country is too expensive so he hasn't seen his parents for two years
- I learnt that I am not happy sitting in front of computer all day socially isolated as I did at home because before I knew it the day was gone
- Life is gone when you are working. I wanted to end it after two shifts. You waste most of your life for work. Most people work until they retire at 67, following which they only have 7 healthy years without disability (AIHW, Healthy life expectancy). Health and happiness are more important than making money
- I have more important goals to accomplish than work. I have my precious life to live. I want a girl to love
- However, I recommend working in mining to earn, save and live frugally for those who are hungry to save some money
- I prefer working 1-2 days every two weeks, but there are almost no jobs like this except some low paying jobs. Later, I realised I prefer not to work at all as I want to travel for 3 months at a time and it is huge amount of time and energy leaving and returning to Australia
- My rentals are just as important as work as I lose 1k per week when one of them is empty
- I notice that people happy when you buy them something small and unexpected, like a tea or snack (I saw this generosity from a traveller and from customers at work)
- Provides money so there is less financial stress (now I have a buffer so not so stressed, but my money was blown trading a few months later)
- Less time focused on markets and removes the desire to revenge trade (but I can fill my time with long term goal related activities instead; giving the login credentials to my trader has helped reduce the tedency to overtrade too)
- Social aspects - practice communication, nice when have you good people around (but I can satisfy this by actively participating in social activities, there are no long term benefits from socialising at work unless you meet a good friend, additionally most people there were not nice)
- It provided a temporary relief for me. I was feeling down thinking about markets at home. I was worried about coming winter. I had the opportunity to experience what it was like in north west WA which I wanted to see
- Not going for long term goals (marriage, building granny flat)
- Time is most important but two weeks pass by (same with every job)
- Already did many short term jobs after retirement and none provided lasting satisfaction
- Not fulfilling work (but almost noone's work is fulfilling)
- Not happy at work. Runs counter to my desire for happiness
- Don't like the work
- Only save 8k in 3 months. Can only save 30k in a year or 300k in 10 years
- Blew all money saved on trading
- Social - don't like most people, noone welcomed me when I started, only one person cares about me
- No people to have fun with
- Damage to hands, skin
- Aging
- Tires me out, draining
- Heat and flies in summer
- One week not enough to travel (this is the same with every job)
- Not enough time for travel on week off and rushing around too much, especially since most places I want to go require two flights to get to and another two flights to return
- Flights changed, delayed and cancelled - 3x
- Blowing a lot of money travelling for a week (2k in a week - 3x my usual spend)
- Not happy travelling
- Feeling of dread. Heart tighten before work
- Feel stressed at work
- Told off at work 5 times in a week and received a performance warning. Realise that no job cared about me and I hated all jobs I worked
- Night shift for many people
- Expansion of work duties - more area for tavern so more bins to clean, shutdown so more staff on site, drinks with food delivery, early 4am shifts
- Surrounded by people who I don't want to be (most colleagues were unhealthy, had damaged skin, and not smart. To accomplish my goals I need to surround myself with people who I want to be)
I am grateful for the opportunity. It was the job I wanted and it was not easy to achieve it. I was able to save and travel for a week - almost no other job offers this flexibility. I would have otherwise been wishing I was working in FIFO, freezing in my home town, and wasted my time being angry from the trading losses.
- A job can't make you rich unless you earn a significant amount more than average
- 12 years of my life until age 50 is worth 150k passive after tax or 200k before tax / 0.04 = 5m. I need to save 400k per year to achieve 5m, which is 650k+ gross wage
Getting older
I still feel young at heart and look relatively young. Feeling young is good for health. I was called 'young fella' at work.
Be dominant. Stand up for my own values. 'I want to go there. You want to come'