Friday, January 15, 2010

Self Worth

I discovered a few thoughts on internal validation to add to my post (re: New World).

I believe that the missing ingredient in my life was solid self worth. I found that a pervasive negativity was gradually eroding my own self worth.

The guiding principle for me (and possibly everyone) is:

I know and accept my self worth.

The only thing I must remember is my self worth (and that my time is my most precious and least renewable asset).

I will always go for my goals with a solid self worth, backing myself to perform to the best of my abilities every time (and others will sense this).

I must detach the outcome of success with girls, investments, etc with my own identity. I am worth it regardless of what my results are. Whatever result I may achieve does not affect who I am.

Your self worth is not dictated by what other people say or do. It is not dictated by your pay check, the friends you have, or what others think of you.

You decide what your own perceived self worth is.

Your self worth is dictated by you alone. You alone know who you are, what you stand for, and what you are capable of. It's okay to be just who you are.

After all, there is no one you spend more time with than yourself.


Self worth is an overall measure of how much we value ourselves and give priority to our own needs and happiness. High self worth means loving ourselves unconditionally in all situations and in all areas of our lives. To have a high degree of self worth, we must still love ourselves even when we make mistakes or do dumb things - no matter how bad they were.

Think of self esteem as composed of two parts - the unconditional part, and the conditional part. The unconditional self-valuing part is our self worth. The conditional self-valuing part is our self confidence. The most important part is the self worth (unconditional) part.

Think of your life as a movie in which you are the central character. In the movie, "This is Your Life," you are the main character and star. Everything that happens to you is of major significance in the plot of the movie. Your growth and development over the course of the movie are the main themes in the movie. How are you doing so far?

How to build self worth:
  • Recognize and celebrate the fact that you are a valuable person, equal to everyone else, and that your talents and thoughts are unique and worthy.
  • Self love is about treating yourself with the same care, tolerance, generosity, compassion, and respect as you would treat a special friend; developing habits to take good care of yourself - your body and mind, each part of yourself, and by managing your time and resources well
  • Trust, listen to, and rely upon your own feelings and not automatically respond to the feelings of other people.
  • Analyse yourself - your experience, talents, skills, strengths, what you want to do with your life, your health, and what makes you fulfilled.
  • Stop making your self-worth conditional on other people, stand up for your own preferences.
  • Tell yourself that you matter by making set times during the day to remind yourself that you're a great person; tell yourself you're special, wonderful, lovable, and loved.
  • Prove to yourself that you matter by recognizing and accepting responsibility - owning up to the fact that you are in control of your attitude, your reactions, and your sense of worth; focus on what you need to do to change the situation and work on your resilience rather than use blame as a source of coping.
  • Recognize opportunities and work with them through meeting people, realistically appraising challenges and budgeting
  • Value yourself regardless of your job and earnings
  • Value your time, keeping the time for you and those you love and reducing the amount you give away to others
  • Make time on a regular basis to check on your progress in building your self-worth and be patient, don't try to please everyone all the time, live in the present, note your accomplishments, compete with yourself not others, express your feelings instead of bottling them up.

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