Friday, October 24, 2008


To excel in something, you must specialise.

People in the top of their league all specialise.

You don't see the best politicians also being the best carpenters. You don't see the best sailors being the best gymnasts. You don't see the best pentathletes being the best in each of the five sports they participate in when competing against specialists in each of the individual sports. (The exception is where they have specialised in one field and then moved on to specialise in the next.)

Specialisation takes time and focus. Focus on one thing at a time. Put all your energies into one field and do the best that you can in it.

The four burners analogy is apt. There are four burners in life which represent what is important to you. For example, one burner represents your family, one is your friends, the third is your health and the fourth is your work. The gist is that in order to be successful you have to cut off one of your burners. And in order to be really successful you have to cut off two.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Empty Times

Love is crazy.

The last week has been uncharacteristically difficult for me. Even though it's been over a week since a girl I have been seeing has left me, I still feel an emptiness in my soul. I reminisce over her. I whisper break up songs in my head.

I know I should move on. But it's hard and it takes time.

This week I also heard a false rumour that another girl I pushed for a relationship with a while ago was now seeing someone. Although it later turned out to be false, I still felt a deep empty melancholy as all the past memories came flooding back.

It's times like these which can bring out the best in you. I truly believe that in moments of despair comes opportunity as there is no failure, only learning.

For me, I resolved to rectify the problems I had with myself. I resolved to never be a wimp again (which I was when around the second girl mentioned above). I resolved to be the confident individual in everything I do.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

It's Always On

Do you think Roger Federer gives an unseeded opponent a chance? Do you think Mohammed Ali, Tiger Woods, and any other sporting immortal will give their opponents a sniff of victory?

Not a chance.

Whatever you do in life. Whatever the occasion might be. It's always on.

When it comes to speaking, you don't just give 100% in the big stage presentations. You give 100% all the time. When you are speaking to the supermarket cashier. When you are in a party with mates. There's never 50%. There's never 70%. It's always on.

You perform at 100% even when you have had a bad day. Even when you have been punished in your workplace. Even when you just failed big time. You step up again and give it 100%. 100% all the time. The most successful people fail time and time again. You have to know that with failure comes experience, and experience wisdom, and then giving it 100% again brings you closer to success.

It's always on.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Three Core Values

Three core values for business and life in general.

People. Knowledge. Passion.