To excel in something, you must specialise.
People in the top of their league all specialise.
You don't see the best politicians also being the best carpenters. You don't see the best sailors being the best gymnasts. You don't see the best pentathletes being the best in each of the five sports they participate in when competing against specialists in each of the individual sports. (The exception is where they have specialised in one field and then moved on to specialise in the next.)
Specialisation takes time and focus. Focus on one thing at a time. Put all your energies into one field and do the best that you can in it.
The four burners analogy is apt. There are four burners in life which represent what is important to you. For example, one burner represents your family, one is your friends, the third is your health and the fourth is your work. The gist is that in order to be successful you have to cut off one of your burners. And in order to be really successful you have to cut off two.
People in the top of their league all specialise.
You don't see the best politicians also being the best carpenters. You don't see the best sailors being the best gymnasts. You don't see the best pentathletes being the best in each of the five sports they participate in when competing against specialists in each of the individual sports. (The exception is where they have specialised in one field and then moved on to specialise in the next.)
Specialisation takes time and focus. Focus on one thing at a time. Put all your energies into one field and do the best that you can in it.
The four burners analogy is apt. There are four burners in life which represent what is important to you. For example, one burner represents your family, one is your friends, the third is your health and the fourth is your work. The gist is that in order to be successful you have to cut off one of your burners. And in order to be really successful you have to cut off two.