Wednesday, October 8, 2008

It's Always On

Do you think Roger Federer gives an unseeded opponent a chance? Do you think Mohammed Ali, Tiger Woods, and any other sporting immortal will give their opponents a sniff of victory?

Not a chance.

Whatever you do in life. Whatever the occasion might be. It's always on.

When it comes to speaking, you don't just give 100% in the big stage presentations. You give 100% all the time. When you are speaking to the supermarket cashier. When you are in a party with mates. There's never 50%. There's never 70%. It's always on.

You perform at 100% even when you have had a bad day. Even when you have been punished in your workplace. Even when you just failed big time. You step up again and give it 100%. 100% all the time. The most successful people fail time and time again. You have to know that with failure comes experience, and experience wisdom, and then giving it 100% again brings you closer to success.

It's always on.

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