Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ask Yourself

Q: What stands between you and your dreams?

A: You. Oftentimes, you may think it is money, time, resources, people, talent. But it is up to you to make time, source capital, find people, build knowledge to make it happen. Time is running out - do what is important to reach your dreams.

Although, sometimes there are structural reasons blocking your dreams, for example where you are not physically capable of it.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Redefining Success

In business as in science, it seems that you are often most successful in achieving something when you are trying to do something else.

The more importance that you place on a goal, the more unnecessary pressure is placed on yourself, leading to stress and unhappiness. Let go of the need for success at all costs (and if it fails, move on). Selfish goals, such as making more profit or finding a marriage partner, should be supplanted by a higher aim that is connected to the goal, such as living and breathing a passion. Learn to enjoy and live the higher aim and success will come as a result.

Goals may lead to underachievement, cutting ethical corners, or impairment of other areas of your life. Behind our fixation on goals is a deep unease with feelings of uncertainty. Learning to accommodate feelings of uncertainty is not just the key to a more balanced life but often leads to prosperity as well. In an interview with 45 successful entrepreneurs, all of whom had taken at least one business public, almost none embraced the idea of writing comprehensive business plans or conducting extensive market research. Rather than choosing a goal and then making a plan to achieve it, they took stock of the means and materials at their disposal, then imagined the possible ends.

Sunday, April 4, 2010



Some count the time;
Until longings satisfied.
For those aware;
Opportunities laid bare.

Sway of the night

According to worn trusted lore
One stroke three makes three score four
Harried hush lullaby
From who did Mary learn to lie
Mixing spirts bold with vigour
Crescendo, aplomb
Come hither

Rush and crashing
Swirling lights
Movement trajectory
Swim out of sight
The beats boom
The hooves play
Wander where she will end today

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Why Do I...

I have compiled some of the interesting behaviours that I consciously or unconsciously exhibit. These are my admissions. Some I can answer, some I cannot. Some are good, and some can be classified as disturbing. Although that may be the case, I am looking to address some of these issues and people have committed far worse deeds.

Why do I...
  • keep touching my chin?
  • cross my legs when I don't want to?
  • get stomach aches from wearly slightly tight clothing?
  • sneeze several times every morning?
  • find it difficult to behave in a manner congruent to my true nature at work?
  • become fiercely competitive over menial tasks?
  • get horny reading about sex with young girls in the news?
  • love hearing sex jokes that go too far?
  • become tense in my pc muscles when I have a critical deadline to meet?
  • think that the shirt I choose to wear will affect how the day turns out?
  • feel that mosquitoes and small insects are biting me while I sleep?
  • have an inner desire to commit violent crimes against people who are mean to me?
  • react aggressively to minor annoyances?
  • feel that there is something wrong with me when others tell me I am fine?
  • like to flout speeding laws while driving in a car down a mountain?
  • get excited about the direction of lines?
  • enjoy crazy, out of the ordinary, and awkward situations?

Writing these posts sometimes takes me away from my goals. I have to continuously focus on aligning myself to the person who I want to be.